donboooooori king

i hit up donburi king yesterday. got this bangin katsudon. i’m pretty sure they slapped two cups of rice into this bowl, topped with this massive cutlet. it was sweet.

thinking about getting an ents membership. a good pal turned me onto it a while back ago but i never really had much reason to go. it would be cool to get back into woodworking and build some shit for the house.

we watched the ring a few nights ago. i forgot how spoopy it was, but i mean lets be real i get scared relatively easily. i enjoy horror filsm too much to give it up though. anyhow, we got turned onto it after we watched a video on how it achieved its moody palette. i mean just check this out, it’s beautiful. i was trying to find another picture but it was kind of scary looking through google image search for stills that didn’t include samara crawling through a tv

a very interesting film process, achieved through a series of filters, film stock and lenses. here’s the link to the video if you’re interested 🙂

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